When you drop off your pet, we require emergency numbers. You will not be able to leave your pet without leaving numbers (including at least 1 land line) of someone who can get in touch with you or is qualified to make medical decisions. Privacy issues require veterinarians to discuss a pet’s health only with his/her owner. It may be a good idea to let your veterinarian know your wishes regarding your pet and any potential health problems. Our protocol requires that we first attempt to call your vet for advice. Subsequently, we will contact your emergency persons for your input. We also consider our experience and judgment. If any of the above three groups prefer to have the pet seen by a vet, we will transport him/her, at your expense to a veterinarian (preferably yours if available). If your vet is not available, we will use whomever we feel appropriate at the time. In a dire emergency, we will seek the closest treatment possible first, then make calls as needed. If your pet has a pre-existing condition, please let us know his/her symptoms so we don’t repeat vet visits. Also, if you have a financial limit on medical expenses for your pet, you will need to put that in writing for our records and speak to your veterinarian about it so he/she knows your wishes.